Our Current Products

We are so excited to introduce to you Mobile Info! Mobile Info was built to maximize the profits you can make using your transit assets. This is only possible by having one of our Mobile Info devices installed on your Buses. Our device is about 10.3 x 9 x 2 cm. Although its a tiny package, its packaged with cutting edge disruptive technologies. That is why it will have an major impact on how advertising affiliates will use your transit assets. Our products and services are meant to be used in such a way that they seamlessly integrate into your existing business structure. This can only happen because we are here to serve you. Part of that service will be to handle and manage all the needs of your affiliates when it comes to using Mobile Info. We will even generate and provide reports so that you can properly bill your affiliates to advertise with Mobile Info on your Buses.

Yes, through the use of smart advertising Mobile Info provides digital advertisements in a smart and more effective way when you install our hardware on your buses. This new way of transit advertising through our Mobile Info hardware, makes sure your advertisers have more impact.

Boosting Advertising Affiliate Income

Mobile Info will boost your advertising affiliate income. This extra money will allow you to use the extra money for a variety of different reasons within your business. Boosting advertising affiliate income will occur because the Smart Ads that will be displayed in certain areas will be so effective that new advertising affiliates will see the impact of their advertisements within your buses. On seeing this they will continue to pay you to advertise as now you will become an important part of the businesses marketing and advertisement plan. As we help spread the word of Mobile Info, businesses of all sorts (small local businesses, local large and medium businesses, non local businesses with a big online presence, local restaurants, shopping malls, sports stores, department stores, etc.) yes all sorts of business can become affiliates. They will NOT be limited to only advertising on buses that do not have advertisements wrapped on them. Yes there are several reasons Mobile Info will make your potential advertising affiliates list grow exponentially as the word gets out. Giving you the power and flexibility to even set your own new advertising market within your buses based on the demand, interest and popularity of a given route.

Increasing Ridership

Imagine increasing ridership on your Buses without having to decrease the price of the fare. Something like this is possible overtime while using Mobile Info. Imagine this scenario! This scenario is centered around a rider taking the bus to go to work at the mall. As the bus is approaching the mall, she notices different advertisements from the local mall showing different deals happening today. One of the stores having deals in the mall is her favorite store and they are offering 50% off on all clothing purchased today only. She makes it a point to stop there during her lunch break to explore the offers. True to the ad, the store is offering 50% discounts on all clothing. The excited rider might tell her friends how riding the bus helped her find great deals she would otherwise had no clue of all because she rode the bus that day. As riders talk to family and friends of deals they discovered while riding the bus, others may want to experience this themselves. However one might say, "Would mall management really hire someone to create ads for Mobile Info?" We would say they wouldn't have to. We can work with Mall management and other stores to create basic ads for Mobile Info. Yes creating basic digital signage is what we do too! All you have to do is just increase your advertising affiliates and onboard Mobile Info. If you do so, the possibilities could be endless!

The Bottomline. . .

If you are wishing you had more transit assets to wrap advertisements on, if you are wishing to add variety to your advertising affiliates, if you are looking to greatly increase your advertising affiliates list, if you are looking to increase your ridership, and if you are ready to put your advertisment revenues into overdrive, then please contact us today. Contact us for a demo or a pilot program for some of your buses and see how we will revolutionize the model you use for using your transit assets for advertising!