There will be 25 billion+ IoT devices within the next 7 years.

IoT spending to reach more than $1 trillion by 2022.

It was calculated that the total advertising expenditure in North America in 2021 amounted to about 297.5 billion U.S. dollars.

What's the point of all of this? IoT is expanding very rapidly in the US. This is a type of technology that is being invested in aggressively by businesses all across the globe. Why? Because IoT holds so much promise in what it can offer when its incorporated into your business. IoT impacts many fields positively in a very powerful way. IoT positively impacts agriculture, doing things once thought impossible only a decade ago like flying drones around to map and survey a farm. IoT greatly improves the Energy, Finance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, Transportation and Logistics fields. We want to apply this very promising technology to the Mobile Advertisement field as well.

The advertising field is booming. In the US alone, businesses happily paid over 297 billion dollars in advertising. They happily paid this because advertising costs were clearly worth the return on investment. Advertising and the different channels businesses can advertise on works. Because advertising is such a flourishing field, any new channels of advertising will be explored by businesses. They are always looking for new inventive ways to advertise and get the word out on their products and services. If you are currently wrapping your transit assets with ads. You are already getting a percentage of that large figure above. However with the use of Mobile Info, the potential is there to greatly increase that percentage.

Here at Mobile Commerce Technologies we specialize in writing software and creating devices that can take advantage of being mobile. Our founder has always been focused on technologies that took advantage of mobility. It took years for the industry to catch up and provide emerging technologies that also took advantage of mobility. This allowed us to use these emerging technologies which include 5G technology, the cloud, edge computing and other advancements to provide products that break the mold on the old way of doing things. Now we are happy to offer a product that forges IoT and the advertising market together while using mobility to make advertising more effective for your affiliates! After joining these two fields together and using your transit assets as a platform for the device to run on, we know we will have businesses excited to use this amazing device for their advertisements. Because we can promise to carry the advertiser's message close to the point of purchase which could literally be walking distance from a bus stop. And we can do this no matter where the bus is on its route!